Pastebiniä käytetään pidempien tekstien säilömiseen jotka pitää laittaa talteen tai joita esim. ei voi sanoa irkissä tms kätevästi ilman hirveää floodimista. Lyhykäisiä tunnisteita saa arvaamalla satunnaisesti selville, joten ei kannata pasteta mitään erityisen yksityistä.
Tekstiä mahtuu maksimissaan 64 kilotavua per paste eli älä ihmettele jos tosi pitkät pastet katkeaa, jos taas TOSI isoja pasteja tunkkaa tänne niin tulee jopa virhe eikä paste mene edes läpi. Myäskään viagra- tai cialis-sanoja sisältäviä pasteja ei hyväksytä, sillä erinäiset spämmibotit puskevat niitä vähän väliä.
Pasten nimi (vapaaehtoinen):
Värjäys: ABAPActionScriptActionScript 3AdaANTLRANTLR With ActionScript TargetANTLR With C# TargetANTLR With CPP TargetANTLR With Java TargetANTLR With ObjectiveC TargetANTLR With Perl TargetANTLR With Python TargetANTLR With Ruby TargetApacheConfAppleScriptaspx-csaspx-vbAsymptoteautohotkeyAwkBase MakefileBashBash SessionBatchfileBBCodeBefungeBlitzMaxBooBrainfuckBroCC#C++c-objdumpCFEngine3cfstatementCheetahClojureCMakeCoffeeScriptColdfusion HTMLCommon LispCoqcpp-objdumpCSSCSS+Django/JinjaCSS+Genshi TextCSS+MakoCSS+MyghtyCSS+PHPCSS+RubyCSS+SmartyCythonDd-objdumpDarcs PatchDartDebian Control fileDebian SourcelistDelphiDiffDjango/JinjaDTDDuelDylaneCECLElixirElixir iex sessionEmbedded RagelERBErlangErlang erl sessionEvoqueFactorFancyFantomFelixFortranFSharpGASGenshiGenshi TextGettext CatalogGherkinGLSLGnuplotGoGoodData-CLGosuGosu TemplateGroffGroovyHamlHaskellhaXeHTMLHTML+CheetahHTML+Django/JinjaHTML+EvoqueHTML+GenshiHTML+MakoHTML+MyghtyHTML+PHPHTML+SmartyHTML+VelocityHTTPHybrisINIIoIokeIRC logsJadeJavaJava Server PageJavaScriptJavaScript+CheetahJavaScript+Django/JinjaJavaScript+Genshi TextJavaScript+MakoJavaScript+MyghtyJavaScript+PHPJavaScript+RubyJavaScript+SmartyJSONKotlinLighttpd configuration fileLiterate HaskellLLVMLogtalkLuaMakefileMakoMAQLMasonMatlabMatlab sessionMiniDModelicaModula-2MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markupMOOCodeMoonScriptMuPADMXMLMyghtyMySQLNASMNemerleNewLispNewspeakNginx configuration fileNimrodNumPyobjdumpObjective-CObjective-JOCamlOctaveOocOpaOpenEdge ABLPerlPHPPL/pgSQLPostgreSQL console (psql)PostgreSQL SQL dialectPostScriptPOVRayPowerShellPrologPropertiesProtocol BufferPyPy LogPythonPython 3Python 3.0 TracebackPython console sessionPython TracebackRagelRagel in C HostRagel in CPP HostRagel in D HostRagel in Java HostRagel in Objective C HostRagel in Ruby HostRaw token dataRConsoleREBOLRedcodereStructuredTextRHTMLRubyRuby irb sessionSSassScalaScalate Server PageScamlSchemeScilabSCSSSmalltalkSmartySnobolSQLsqlite3conSquidConfStandard MLsystemverilogTclTcshTeaTeXText onlyUrbiScriptValaVB.netVelocityverilogvhdlVimLXMLXML+CheetahXML+Django/JinjaXML+EvoqueXML+MakoXML+MyghtyXML+PHPXML+RubyXML+SmartyXML+VelocityXQueryXSLTYAML
Core was generated by `bin/minetest'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x08423dd0 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setActiveTexture (this=0x9ef8718, stage=0, texture=0xa721288) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2170 2170 if (texture->getDriverType() != EDT_OPENGL) (gdb) bt full #0 0x08423dd0 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setActiveTexture (this=0x9ef8718, stage=0, texture=0xa721288) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2170 No locals. #1 0x08423f53 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setMaterial (this=0x9ef8718, material=...) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2243 i = 0 #2 0x0855019c in irr::scene::CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::render (this=0xa705800) at CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.cpp:335 mb = 0xa3f1f88 material = @0xa705958: {TextureLayer = {{Texture = 0xa721288, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}}, MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_SOLID, AmbientColor = { color = 4294967295}, DiffuseColor = {color = 4294967295}, EmissiveColor = {color = 4278190080}, SpecularColor = {color = 4294967295}, Shininess = 96.0784302, MaterialTypeParam = 0, MaterialTypeParam2 = 0, Thickness = 1, ZBuffer = 1 '\001', AntiAliasing = 1 '\001', ColorMask = 15 '\017', ColorMaterial = 1 '\001', Wireframe = false, PointCloud = false, GouraudShading = true, Lighting = false, ZWriteEnable = true, BackfaceCulling = true, FrontfaceCulling = false, FogEnable = false, NormalizeNormals = false} rnd = 0x9d6b818 transparent = false i = 0 driver = 0x9ef8718 isTransparentPass = false m = 0xa3e3918 renderMeshes = true mat = {TextureLayer = {{Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::CMatrix4<float> >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}}, MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_SOLID, AmbientColor = { color = 4294967295}, DiffuseColor = {color = 4294967295}, EmissiveColor = {color = 0}, SpecularColor = {color = 4294967295}, Shininess = 0, MaterialTypeParam = 0, MaterialTypeParam2 = 0, Thickness = 1, ZBuffer = 1 '\001', AntiAliasing = 1 '\001', ColorMask = 15 '\017', ColorMaterial = 1 '\001', Wireframe = false, PointCloud = false, GouraudShading = true, Lighting = true, ZWriteEnable = true, BackfaceCulling = true, FrontfaceCulling = false, FogEnable = false, NormalizeNormals = false} #3 0x083df206 in irr::scene::CSceneManager::drawAll (this=0x9fd85e0) at CSceneManager.cpp:1469 i = 3 driver = 0x9ef8718 #4 0x08378fb5 in the_game (kill=@0x87a3f20: false, random_input=false, input=0x9fd92d8, device=0x9d01bc8, font=0x9fd95c0, map_dir="/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../worlds/mt52", playername= "nakki2", password="", address="localhost", port=30000, error_message=L"", configpath="/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../minetest.conf", chat_backend=..., gamespec=..., simple_singleplayer_mode=false) at /home/celeron55/softat/minetest/src/game.cpp:2752 timer = {m_name = 0x860cd63 "smgr", m_time1 = 934786272, m_running = true, m_result = 0x0} busytime_u32 = <optimized out> displaycenter = {X = 512, Y = 384} hilightboxes = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{MinEdge = {X = 484.98999, Y = 44.9900017, Z = 864.98999}, MaxEdge = {X = 495.01001, Y = 55.0099983, Z = 875.01001}}} print_to_log = <optimized out> tool_reload_ratio = <optimized out> camera_position = {X = 0.082351692, Y = 765, Z = -1.8750465e+38} sunlight_seen = <optimized out> maxsm = 0.0500000007 lastFPS = 5 time = 7983 busytime_jitter1_max_sample = 0 player = <optimized out> daynight_ratio = <optimized out> brightness = -1.8750465e+38 bgcolor = <optimized out> busytime = 765 busytime_jitter1 = <optimized out> busytime_jitter1_min_sample = -0.0355935954 new_playeritem = 0 player_position = {X = 474.350006, Y = 35, Z = 895.950012} d = 4 dtime = 0.0489999987 dtime_avg1 = 0.16577439 busytime_avg1 = 0.0845935941 playeritem_toolcap = {full_punch_interval = 1.39900005, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = std::map with 1 elements = {["cracky"] = {times = std::map with 3 elements = {[1] = 3, [2] = 1.20000005, [3] = 0.800000012}, maxlevel = 1, uses = 20}}} time_brightness = 0.082351692 skycolor = {color = 4279046165} dtime_jitter1 = <optimized out> infotext = L"" profiler_print_interval = 0.082351692 playeritem = {name = "default:pick_stone", count = 1, wear = 17472, metadata = ""} direct_brightness = <optimized out> program_name_and_version = "Minetest-c55 0.4.3" fps = <optimized out> full_punch_interval = <optimized out> shootline = {start = {X = 0.082351692, Y = 765, Z = -1.8750465e+38}, end = {X = 23.3208618, Y = 754.459351, Z = -1.8750465e+38}} dtime_jitter1_max_sample = 0 turn_amount = <optimized out> playeritem_usable = 216 selected_object = 0x0 left_punch = <optimized out> tt_draw = {m_name = 0x8615abf "mainloop: draw", m_time1 = 934786256, m_running = true, m_result = 0x0} values = std::map with 5 elements<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0xc> camera_direction = {X = 0.464770228, Y = -0.210813001, Z = -0.859968901} pointed = {type = POINTEDTHING_NODE, node_undersurface = {X = 49, Y = 5, Z = 87}, node_abovesurface = {X = 49, Y = 5, Z = 88}, object_id = -1} fog_range = 765 todsm = 0.0500000007 dtime_jitter1_max_fraction = 0 playeritem_liquids_pointable = 49 client = {<con::PeerHandler> = {_vptr.PeerHandler = 0x86146a8 <vtable for Client+8>}, <InventoryManager> = {_vptr.InventoryManager = 0x86146e8 <vtable for Client+72>}, <IGameDef> = { _vptr.IGameDef = 0x8614704 <vtable for Client+100>}, m_packetcounter_timer = 17.4229851, m_connection_reinit_timer = 1.73600006, m_avg_rtt_timer = 2.31299996, m_playerpos_send_timer = 0.0489999987, m_ignore_damage_timer = 0.720000029, m_map_timer_and_unload_interval = {m_accumulator = 2.31299996}, m_tsrc = 0xa2af300, m_itemdef = 0xa2aefe8, m_nodedef = 0xb39e8008, m_sound = 0xa37a888, m_event = 0xbfd92a34, m_mesh_update_thread = {<SimpleThread> = {<JThread> = {_vptr.JThread = 0x8614690 <vtable for MeshUpdateThread+8>, threadid = 2928003904, retval = 0x0, running = true, runningmutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = { __next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, continuemutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, continuemutex2 = {mutex = {__data = { __lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, mutexinit = true}, run = true, run_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}}, m_queue_in = {m_queue = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {0xa7ea758, 0xa93ca18, 0xa7fd120}, m_urgents = std::set with 0 elements, m_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}}, m_queue_out = {m_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, m_list = {First = 0xb562a270, Last = 0xb562a270, Size = 1, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8614730 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<MeshUpdateResult>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_gamedef = 0xbfd92d08}, m_env = {<Environment> = {_vptr.Environment = 0x8600ec8 <vtable for ClientEnvironment+8>, m_players = {First = 0xa20b970, Last = 0xa20b970, Size = 1, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8600ee8 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<Player*>::SKListNode>+8>}}, m_time_of_day = 20931, m_time_of_day_f = 0.873832524, m_time_of_day_speed = 72, m_time_counter = -nan(0x400000)}, attachment_list = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{X = 1, Y = 0}, {X = 2, Y = 0}}, m_map = 0xa3bb1d8, m_smgr = 0x9fd85e0, m_texturesource = 0xa2af300, m_gamedef = 0xbfd92d08, m_irr = 0x9d01bc8, m_active_objects = {Root = 0xa3e4ab0, Size = 2}, m_simple_objects = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8601390 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<ClientSimpleObject*>::SKListNode>+8>}}, m_client_event_queue = {m_list = { First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x86013a8 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<ClientEnvEvent>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_active_object_light_update_interval = {m_accumulator = 0.182999983}, m_lava_hurt_interval = {m_accumulator = 0.812999964}}, m_con = {<SimpleThread> = {<JThread> = { _vptr.JThread = 0x85ffae0 <vtable for con::Connection+8>, threadid = 3053452096, retval = 0x0, running = true, runningmutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, continuemutex = {mutex = { __data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, continuemutex2 = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, mutexinit = true}, run = true, run_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}}, m_outgoing_queue = {m_list = { First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x85ffb98 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<con::OutgoingPacket>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_event_queue = {m_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, m_list = {First = 0xb6000868, Last = 0xb6000868, Size = 1, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x85ffbb0 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<con::ConnectionEvent>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_command_queue = {m_mutex = {mutex = {__data = { __lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}, m_list = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x85ffbc8 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<con::ConnectionCommand>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_protocol_id = 1329951747, m_max_packet_size = 512, m_timeout = 30, m_socket = {m_handle = 9, m_timeout_ms = 5}, m_peer_id = 3, m_peers = {Root = 0xb6000530, Size = 1}, m_peers_mutex = { mutex = {__data = {__lock = -1250117088, __count = 3042873332, __owner = 164744792, __kind = 164744792, __nusers = 3041249856, {__spins = 164690380, __list = {__next = 0x9d0f9cc}}}, __size = " \272|\265\364\217^\265X\316\321\tX\316\321\t@\312E\265\314\371\320\t", __align = -1250117088}, initialized = false}, m_bc_peerhandler = 0xbfd92d00, m_bc_receive_timeout = 0, m_indentation = 0}, m_device = 0x9d01bc8, m_server_ser_ver = 25 '\031', m_playeritem = 0, m_inventory_updated = false, m_inventory_from_server = 0xa37f980, m_inventory_from_server_age = 2.08200002, m_active_blocks = {Root = 0x0, Size = 0}, m_packetcounter = {m_packets = {Root = 0xa20bd08, Size = 16}}, m_animation_time = 2.6099999, m_crack_level = -1, m_crack_pos = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0}, m_chat_queue = {m_list = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > >::SKListNode>' { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8612da0 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > >::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_map_seed = 2615600840601376247, m_password = "", m_access_denied = false, m_access_denied_reason = L"", m_client_event_queue = {m_list = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8614748 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<ClientEvent>::SKListNode>+8>}}}, m_media_cache = {m_dir = "/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../cache/media"}, m_media_name_sha1_map = {Root = 0x0, Size = 0}, m_media_receive_progress = 1, m_media_received = true, m_itemdef_received = true, m_nodedef_received = true, m_time_of_day_set = true, m_last_time_of_day_f = -1, m_time_of_day_update_timer = 2.6099999, m_removed_sounds_check_timer = 2.31299996, m_sounds_server_to_client = std::map with 0 elements, m_sounds_client_to_server = std::map with 0 elements, m_sounds_to_objects = std::map with 0 elements, m_privileges = std::set with 15 elements = {[0] = "ban", [1] = "basic_privs", [2] = "bring", [3] = "fast", [4] = "fly", [5] = "give", [6] = "interact", [7] = "interact_extra", [8] = "password", [9] = "privs", [10] = "rollback", [11] = "server", [12] = "settime", [13] = "shout", [14] = "teleport"}, m_detached_inventories = std::map with 1 elements = {[ "creative"] = 0xa3fbfd8}} connect_aborted = <optimized out> camera_pitch = 12.1700001 clouds = 0xaa8ed18 damage_flash_timer = 0 farmesh_range = 320 update_draw_list_timer = 0 show_profiler = 0 lasttime = 7983 camera = {m_smgr = 0x9fd85e0, m_playernode = 0xab17cc0, m_headnode = 0xab19248, m_cameranode = 0xab19348, m_wieldmgr = 0xab19588, m_wieldnode = 0xaa8e918, m_wieldlight = 1 '\001', m_draw_control = @0xbfd929d0, m_gamedef = 0xbfd92d08, m_camera_position = {X = 474.350006, Y = 51.25, Z = 895.950012}, m_camera_direction = {X = 0.464770228, Y = -0.210813001, Z = -0.859968901}, m_aspect = 1.33333337, m_fov_x = 2.56777692, m_fov_y = 1.3765769, m_added_frametime = 0.0489999987, m_added_frames = 1, m_range_old = 85, m_frametime_old = 4.26599979, m_frametime_counter = 0.151000008, m_time_per_range = 0.0501882322, m_view_bobbing_anim = 0, m_view_bobbing_state = 0, m_view_bobbing_speed = 0, m_digging_anim = 0, m_digging_button = -1} local_inventory = {m_lists = std::vector of length 4, capacity 4 = {0xaab20f8, 0xa7fd238, 0xaab3e10, 0xa3e4968}, m_itemdef = 0xa2aefe8} drawtime = 1028174905 dummyvalues = std::map with 1 elements = {["client_received_packets"] = 20} pointed_old = {type = POINTEDTHING_NODE, node_undersurface = {X = 49, Y = 5, Z = 87}, node_abovesurface = {X = 49, Y = 5, Z = 88}, object_id = -1} guitext_status = 0xaab1c70 gui_chat_console = 0xaab1f50 endscenetime = <optimized out> dig_time = 0 show_chat = true show_profiler_graph = false could_connect = <optimized out> camera_yaw = 208.389008 farmesh = 0x0 graph = {m_log = std::list = {[0] = {values = std::map with 5 elements = {["client_received_packets"] = 21, ["mainloop_draw"] = 0.0280000009, ["mainloop_dtime"] = 4.26599979, [ "mainloop_other"] = 4.26599979, ["num_processed_meshes"] = 3}}}, m_log_max_size = 200} got_content = true content_aborted = false sky = 0xaa8ee98 object_hit_delay = 0.200000003 object_hit_delay_timer = -4.26599979 force_fog_off = false connect_address = {m_address = 2130706433, m_port = 30000} statustext_time = 0 dig_index = <optimized out> disable_camera_update = false draw_control = {range_all = false, wanted_range = 85, wanted_max_blocks = 10, wanted_min_range = 85, blocks_drawn = 0, blocks_would_have_drawn = 0} beginscenetime = <optimized out> show_hud = true guitext_info = 0xaab1b20 respawn_menu_active = false time_of_day_smooth = 0.873793721 guitext = 0xaab1858 guitext_chat = 0xaab1dc0 guitext_profiler = 0xa7fcc18 recent_turn_speed = <optimized out> nodig_delay_timer = -4.26599979 time_from_last_punch = 14.3149996 crack_animation_length = 5 guitext2 = 0xaab19e0 show_debug = true show_profiler_max = 3 first_loop_after_window_activation = false scenetime = <optimized out> update_wielded_item_trigger = false m_profiler_interval = {m_accumulator = 4.31499958} statustext = L"" ldown_for_dig = false update_draw_list_last_cam_dir = {X = 0.464770228, Y = -0.210813001, Z = -0.859968901} invert_mouse = false time_of_day = <optimized out> gamedef = 0xbfd92cf8 digging = false driver = 0x9ef8718 text_height = 18 tsrc = 0xa2af300 soundfetcher = {<OnDemandSoundFetcher> = {_vptr.OnDemandSoundFetcher = 0x8616f58 <vtable for GameOnDemandSoundFetcher+8>}, m_fetched = std::set with 0 elements} quicktune = {m_names = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_selected_i = 3075933345, m_message = ""} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void the_game(bool&, bool, InputHandler*, irr::IrrlichtDevice*, irr::gui::IGUIFont*, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, irr::u16, std::wstring&, std::string, ChatBackend&, const Subga"... smgr = 0x9fd85e0 screensize = {X = 1024, Y = 768} itemdef = 0xa2aefe8 soundmaker = {m_sound = 0xa37a888, m_ndef = 0xb39e8008, m_player_step_timer = -4.31499958, m_player_step_sound = {name = "default_hard_footstep", gain = 0.200000003}, m_player_leftpunch_sound = {name = "", gain = 1}, m_player_rightpunch_sound = {name = "default_place_node", gain = 0.5}} nodedef = 0xb39e8008 sound = 0xa37a888 eventmgr = {<MtEventManager> = {_vptr.MtEventManager = 0x86050c8 <vtable for EventManager+8>}, m_dest = std::map with 6 elements = {["CameraPunchLeft"] = {funcs = std::list = {[0] = { f = 0x837b744 <SoundMaker::cameraPunchLeft(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}, ["CameraPunchRight"] = {funcs = std::list = {[0] = { f = 0x837b76f <SoundMaker::cameraPunchRight(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}, ["NodeDug"] = {funcs = std::list = {[0] = {f = 0x837b79a <SoundMaker::nodeDug(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}, ["PlayerJump"] = {funcs = std::list = {[0] = {f = 0x837b742 <SoundMaker::playerJump(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}, ["PlayerRegainGround"] = { funcs = std::list = {[0] = {f = 0x837bb55 <SoundMaker::playerRegainGround(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}, ["ViewBobbingStep"] = {funcs = std::list = {[0] = { f = 0x837b9ca <SoundMaker::viewBobbingStep(MtEvent*, void*)>, d = 0xbfd92a50}}}}} chat_log_error_buf = {<ILogOutput> = {_vptr.ILogOutput = 0x8617010 <vtable for LogOutputBuffer+8>}, m_buf = std::queue wrapping: std::deque with 0 elements} hotbar_imagesize = 32 sound_is_dummy = false server = {ptr = 0x0, refcount = 0xa2acc50} #5 0x083886f2 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfd94724) at /home/celeron55/softat/minetest/src/main.cpp:1679 worldspec = {path = "/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../worlds/mt52", name = "mt52", gameid = "minetest"} simple_singleplayer_mode = <optimized out> current_playername = "nakki2" gamespec = {id = "", path = "", mods_paths = std::set with 0 elements, name = ""} current_password = "" current_address = "localhost" current_port = 30000 retval = 0 ret = <optimized out> port = 30000 fsaa = 34272 chat_backend = {m_console_buffer = {m_scrollback = 500, m_unformatted = {data = 0xaab4b10, allocated = 6, used = 2, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f048 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatLine>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = false}, m_cols = 0, m_rows = 0, m_scroll = 0, m_formatted = {data = 0x0, allocated = 0, used = 0, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f060 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatFormattedLine>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = true}, m_empty_formatted_line = {fragments = {data = 0x0, allocated = 0, used = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f078 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatFormattedFragment>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = true}, first = true}}, m_recent_buffer = {m_scrollback = 6, m_unformatted = {data = 0xaab4b60, allocated = 6, used = 2, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f048 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatLine>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = false}, m_cols = 0, m_rows = 0, m_scroll = 0, m_formatted = {data = 0x0, allocated = 0, used = 0, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f060 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatFormattedLine>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = true}, m_empty_formatted_line = {fragments = {data = 0x0, allocated = 0, used = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f078 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<ChatFormattedFragment>+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = true}, first = true}}, m_prompt = {m_prompt = L"]", m_line = L"", m_history = {data = 0x0, allocated = 0, used = 0, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860f110 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > >+8>}, strategy = irr::core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE, free_when_destroyed = true, is_sorted = true}, m_history_index = 0, m_history_limit = 500, m_cols = 0, m_view = 0, m_cursor = 0, m_nick_completion_start = 0, m_nick_completion_end = 0}} allowed_options = {Root = 0x9c863d8, Size = 20} kill = @0x87a3f20: false commanded_gamespec = {id = "", path = "", mods_paths = std::set with 0 elements, name = ""} random_input = <optimized out> configpath = "/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../minetest.conf" commanded_worldname = "" run_dedicated_server = <optimized out> address = "localhost" receiver = {<irr::IEventReceiver> = {_vptr.IEventReceiver = 0x8617fc0 <vtable for MyEventReceiver+8>}, leftclicked = false, rightclicked = false, leftreleased = false, rightreleased = false, left_active = false, middle_active = false, right_active = false, mouse_wheel = 0, m_device = 0x3, keyIsDown = {<irr::core::list<KeyPress>> = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8617fd8 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<KeyPress>::SKListNode>+8>}}, _vptr.KeyList = 0x8617ff0 <vtable for KeyList+8>}, keyWasDown = {<irr::core::list<KeyPress>> = {First = 0x0, Last = 0x0, Size = 0, allocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x8617fd8 <vtable for irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::core::list<KeyPress>::SKListNode>+8>}}, _vptr.KeyList = 0x8617ff0 <vtable for KeyList+8>}} error_message = L"" password = "" first_loop = false __debug_stacker = {m_stack = 0x9c876f8, m_overflowed = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "int main(int, char**)" commanded_world = "" playername = "nakki2" vsync = 48 driver = 0x9ef8718 text_height = 30000 skip_main_menu = false driverstring = "opengl" input = 0x9fd92d8 smgr = 0x9fd85e0 skin = <optimized out> cmd_args = {m_settings = {Root = 0x0, Size = 0}, m_defaults = {Root = 0x0, Size = 0}, m_mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, { __spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, initialized = true}} screenW = 37592 bits = 34584 driverType = <optimized out> device = 0x9d01bc8 params = {DeviceType = irr::EIDT_BEST, DriverType = irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, WindowSize = {Width = 1024, Height = 768}, Bits = 24 '\030', ZBufferBits = 16 '\020', Fullscreen = false, Stencilbuffer = false, Vsync = false, AntiAlias = 0 '\000', WithAlphaChannel = false, Doublebuffer = true, IgnoreInput = false, Stereobuffer = false, HighPrecisionFPU = false, EventReceiver = 0xbfd93a10, WindowId = 0x0, LoggingLevel = irr::ELL_INFORMATION, SDK_version_do_not_use = 0x8617bca "1.7.3"} logfile = "debug.txt" fullscreen = 48 screenH = <optimized out> font = 0x9fd95c0 (gdb)