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Värjäys: ABAPActionScriptActionScript 3AdaANTLRANTLR With ActionScript TargetANTLR With C# TargetANTLR With CPP TargetANTLR With Java TargetANTLR With ObjectiveC TargetANTLR With Perl TargetANTLR With Python TargetANTLR With Ruby TargetApacheConfAppleScriptaspx-csaspx-vbAsymptoteautohotkeyAwkBase MakefileBashBash SessionBatchfileBBCodeBefungeBlitzMaxBooBrainfuckBroCC#C++c-objdumpCFEngine3cfstatementCheetahClojureCMakeCoffeeScriptColdfusion HTMLCommon LispCoqcpp-objdumpCSSCSS+Django/JinjaCSS+Genshi TextCSS+MakoCSS+MyghtyCSS+PHPCSS+RubyCSS+SmartyCythonDd-objdumpDarcs PatchDartDebian Control fileDebian SourcelistDelphiDiffDjango/JinjaDTDDuelDylaneCECLElixirElixir iex sessionEmbedded RagelERBErlangErlang erl sessionEvoqueFactorFancyFantomFelixFortranFSharpGASGenshiGenshi TextGettext CatalogGherkinGLSLGnuplotGoGoodData-CLGosuGosu TemplateGroffGroovyHamlHaskellhaXeHTMLHTML+CheetahHTML+Django/JinjaHTML+EvoqueHTML+GenshiHTML+MakoHTML+MyghtyHTML+PHPHTML+SmartyHTML+VelocityHTTPHybrisINIIoIokeIRC logsJadeJavaJava Server PageJavaScriptJavaScript+CheetahJavaScript+Django/JinjaJavaScript+Genshi TextJavaScript+MakoJavaScript+MyghtyJavaScript+PHPJavaScript+RubyJavaScript+SmartyJSONKotlinLighttpd configuration fileLiterate HaskellLLVMLogtalkLuaMakefileMakoMAQLMasonMatlabMatlab sessionMiniDModelicaModula-2MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markupMOOCodeMoonScriptMuPADMXMLMyghtyMySQLNASMNemerleNewLispNewspeakNginx configuration fileNimrodNumPyobjdumpObjective-CObjective-JOCamlOctaveOocOpaOpenEdge ABLPerlPHPPL/pgSQLPostgreSQL console (psql)PostgreSQL SQL dialectPostScriptPOVRayPowerShellPrologPropertiesProtocol BufferPyPy LogPythonPython 3Python 3.0 TracebackPython console sessionPython TracebackRagelRagel in C HostRagel in CPP HostRagel in D HostRagel in Java HostRagel in Objective C HostRagel in Ruby HostRaw token dataRConsoleREBOLRedcodereStructuredTextRHTMLRubyRuby irb sessionSSassScalaScalate Server PageScamlSchemeScilabSCSSSmalltalkSmartySnobolSQLsqlite3conSquidConfStandard MLsystemverilogTclTcshTeaTeXText onlyUrbiScriptValaVB.netVelocityverilogvhdlVimLXMLXML+CheetahXML+Django/JinjaXML+EvoqueXML+MakoXML+MyghtyXML+PHPXML+RubyXML+SmartyXML+VelocityXQueryXSLTYAML Supo warned about a security risk in home routers - check at least these six things in your home router Change the default passwords to strong passwords. Keep hardware and software upgrades up-to-date and block remote access to your devices. [Picture] Various devices in the network can be used as a part of a cyber attack. Anyone who owns an unprotected device that is always connected to the internet, like a home router, can make spying possible for foreign intelligence agencies, tells suojelupoliisi (Supo) in their new security report. More and more devices have an internet connection that allows the device to be remotely controlled from the public internet. It can provide a possibility for state intelligence agencies to use the device remotely without permission, which they do in attempt to penetrate into information systems of Finland and its allies. /At the end of the article you can find six easy tips for protecting your home/ Router is an essential part in protecting a home Router is a device that connects other devices to the internet. For example computers, mobile devices and many other smart devices like household appliances, entertainment systems and gaming consoles are usually connected to the internet either via the router directly or via a wifi network that is made possible by the router. Because the router controls all network traffic, it is an important part of protecting the devices in the wireless network from external threats, like hackers and denial-of-service attacks. According to supo, particularly unprotected and unupdated home routers form a significant risk to national security. Hijacked home routers can be used, for example, as a part of a wide denial-of-service attack, in attempt to bring down company websites, governmental online services and home pages. Change the default password to something more complex [Picture] In this router the user name and password are by default "admin". The picture has been manipulated for privacy reasons. Change the router's default password to a strong password. The most important property of a strong password is its length. Special characters, like upper and lower case letters and adding numbers make the password even safer. [Translation note: The previous sentence has a similarly vague grammar also in its Finnish version.] It's not recommended to use the same password in more than one accounts and devices. If one service leaks the password, then the other ones are also in danger. [Link: Here you can test how quickly your different passwords can be guessed by brute force] Check at least these six easy ways of protection - Use firewall. - Block remote access to the device from the internet so that the device cannot be reached [?] from the public network - Run software- and device upgrades (firmware) and keep them up to date - Create a separate network for IoT devices (Internet of Things). This way poorly protected IoT devices don't provide attack surface to hackers and endanger your computers and phones by doing so. - Power down your router regularly. - Disable features that you don't need. [Video] Russia is now treating Finland as an unfriendly country, says Antti Pelttari from Suojelupoliisi.