tableoptions[;;...] ^ Options: ^ color=#RRGGBB ^^ default text color (hex), defaults to #FFFFFF ^ background=#RRGGBB ^^ table background color (hex), defaults to #000000 ^ background_alpha=#AA ^^ table background alpha (hex), defaults to #FF ^ rowheight= ^^ height of each row, default depends on font size tablecolumns[,,,...;,,;...] ^ Types: text, icon, color, tree ^^ text: show cell contents as visible text ^^ icon: cell contents are an icon index, use column options to define icons ^^ color: cell contents are #RRGGBB and define color of following cell ^^ tree: cell contents are a number and define tree depth of following cell ^ Column options that work with every column type: ^^ width= sets minimum column width, default W=0 ^^ padding=, sets left (L) and right (R) padding, default L=R=0 ^^ tooltip= sets tooltip text ^ "text" column options: ^^ align=left Left aligned text (default) ^^ align=center Centered text ^^ align=right Right aligned text ^^ color=#RRGGBB sets default color, overridable by preceding color column ^^ if not set, color from tableoptions is used ^ "icon" column options: ^^ 0= sets icon for iconindex 0 ^^ 1= sets icon for iconindex 1 ^^ 2= sets icon for iconindex 2 ^^ and so on; note that you can start with index 0 or index 1 ^ "color" column options: ^^ span= color is valid for the N following columns (default N = 1) ^ "indent" column options: ^^ scale= width of a single indent (default W = ???) ^^ opendepth= all subtrees up to depth < N are open (default N = 0) table[,;,;;,,...,;] ^Scrollable table using options defined by the last tableoptions[] ^Displays cells as defined by the last tablecolumns[] ^ x and y position the itemlist relative to the top left of the menu ^ w and h are the size of the itemlist ^ name fieldname sent to server on row select or doubleclick ^ cell 1...n cell contents given in row-major order ^ selected idx: index of row to be selected within table (first row = 1) ^ Use minetest.explode_table_event (engine.explode_table_event in mainmenu) ^ to parse a table event gotten through on_receive_fields or similar means minetest.explode_table_event(evt) -> table ^ Parses a table event gotten through on_receive_fields or similar means ^ Note that all row and column indices are 1 based; 0 indicates an error ^ Input: INV ^^ Output: {type="INV", row=0, column=0} ^^ Indicates that no row is selected ^ Input: CHG:: ^^ Output: {type="CHG", row=, column=} ^^ Indicates that row got selected in the table ^^ is the column that was clicked (0 if not available, e.g. ^^ if the row was selected by using the keyboard) ^ Input: DCL:: ^^ Output: {type="DCL", row=, column=} ^^ Indicates that row , column was double-clicked. ^^ Also sent when Enter is pressed, in this case is 0. EXAMPLE 1: Credits tab (newlines are just for readability) tableoptions[background_alpha=#FF] tablecolumns[color;text] table[3.5,-0.25;8.5,5.8;list_credits; #FFFF00,Core Developers, ,Perttu Ahola (celeron55), ,..., ,, #FFFF00,Active Contributors, ,sapier, ,..., ,, #FFFF00,Previous Contributors, ,Guiseppe Bilotta (Oblomov), ,..., ,;0] EXAMPLE 2: Configure world dialog tablecolumns[icon,0=checkbox_off.png,1=checkbox_on.png;indent;color;text] table[5.5,0.5;5.5,5.75;world_config_modlist; 1,0,#00DD00,ambience, 1,0,#003300,minetest-mod-mesecons (32), 1,1,#00DD00,mesecons, 1,1,#00DD00,mesecons_alias, 1,1,#00DD00,mesecons_blinkyplant, 1,1,#00DD00,..., 1,1,#00DD00,mesecons_walllever, 0,0,#AAAAAA,modpack (2), 0,1,#AAAAAA,nested_modpack (2), 0,2,,nested_mod_1, 0,2,,nested_mod_2, 0,0,,moreores, 0,0,,sandjoy, ,0,#0000DD,Game mods (16), ,1,#0000DD,bones, ,1,#0000DD,bucket, ,1,#0000DD,creative, ,1,#0000DD,default, ,1,#0000DD,..., ,1,#0000DD,wool, ,0,#0000DD,World mods (0);0] EXAMPLE 3: Serverlist tablecolumns[ icon,1=creative.png,tooltip=Creative Mode; icon,1=heart.png,tooltip=Damage enabled; icon,1=pvp.png;tooltip=PvP allowed; text,align=right,tooltip=Current players / Maximum players; text] table[5.5,0.5;5.5,5.75;world_config_modlist; 1,1,1,12/30,LandRush Server, 0,1,1,3/100,, 1,1,0,2/32,, 0,1,1,1/20,sfan5's Survival Server, 0,1,1,1/100,LotsFun Test server, 0,1,1,1/100,'s simple server, 0,1,0,1/12,Clip Minetest server, 1,0,0,0/20,creative;0]