-- NPC max walk speed walk_limit = 2 --npc just walking around chillaxin_speed = 1.5 -- Player animation speed animation_speed = 30 -- Player animation blending -- Note: This is currently broken due to a bug in Irrlicht, leave at 0 animation_blend = 0 -- Default player appearance default_model = "character.x" available_npc_textures = { texture_1 = {"katniss.png", }, texture_2 = {"knightking.png", }, texture_3 = {"miner.png", }, texture_4 = {"golem.png", }, texture_5 = {"archer.png", }, texture_6 = {"builder.png", }, texture_7 = {"hunter.png", }, texture_8 = {"ninja.png", }, texture_9 = {"ironknight.png", }, texture_10 = {"tron.png", }, texture_11 = {"clonetrooper.png", }, texture_12 = {"witch.png", }, texture_13 = {"wizard.png", } } -- Frame ranges for each player model function player_get_animations(model) if model == "character.x" then return { stand_START = 0, stand_END = 79, sit_START = 81, sit_END = 160, lay_START = 162, lay_END = 166, walk_START = 168, walk_END = 187, mine_START = 189, mine_END = 198, walk_mine_START = 200, walk_mine_END = 219 } end end local player_model = {} local player_anim = {} local player_sneak = {} local ANIM_STAND = 1 local ANIM_SIT = 2 local ANIM_LAY = 3 local ANIM_WALK = 4 local ANIM_WALK_MINE = 5 local ANIM_MINE = 6 function player_update_visuals(self) --local name = get_player_name() visual = default_model player_anim = 0 -- Animation will be set further below immediately --player_sneak[name] = false prop = { mesh = default_model, textures = default_textures, textures = available_npc_textures["texture_"..math.random(1,13)], visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, } self.object:set_properties(prop) end NPC_ENTITY = { physical = true, collisionbox = {-0.3,-1.0,-0.3, 0.3,0.8,0.3}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "character.x", textures = {"character.png"}, player_anim = 0, timer = 0, turn_timer = 0, vec = 0, yaw = 0, yawwer = 0, state = 1, jump_timer = 0, door_timer = 0, attacker = "", attacking_timer = 0 } NPC_ENTITY.on_activate = function(self) player_update_visuals(self) self.anim = player_get_animations(visual) self.object:set_animation({x=self.anim.stand_START,y=self.anim.stand_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) self.player_anim = ANIM_STAND self.object:setacceleration({x=0,y=-10,z=0}) self.state = 1 end NPC_ENTITY.on_punch = function(self, puncher) for _,object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 5)) do if not object:is_player() then if object:get_luaentity().name == "peaceful_npc:npc" then object:get_luaentity().state = 3 object:get_luaentity().attacker = puncher:get_player_name() end end end if self.state ~= 3 then self.state = 3 self.attacker = puncher:get_player_name() end end NPC_ENTITY.on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + 0.01 self.turn_timer = self.turn_timer + 0.01 self.jump_timer = self.jump_timer + 0.01 self.door_timer = self.door_timer + 0.01 self.attacking_timer = self.attacking_timer + 0.01 self.object:set_hp(20) --collision detection prealpha --[[ for _,object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 2)) do if object:is_player() then compare1 = object:getpos() compare2 = self.object:getpos() newx = compare2.x - compare1.x newz = compare2.z - compare1.z print(newx) print(newz) self.object:setacceleration({x=newx,y=self.object:getacceleration().y,z=newz}) elseif not object:is_player() then if object:get_luaentity().name == "peaceful_npc:npc" then print("moo") end end end ]]-- --set npc to hostile in night, and revert npc back to peaceful in daylight if minetest.env:get_timeofday() >= 0 and minetest.env:get_timeofday() < 0.25 and self.state ~= 4 then self.state = 4 elseif minetest.env:get_timeofday() > 0.25 and self.state == 4 then self.state = 1 end --if mob is not in attack or hostile mode, set mob to walking or standing if self.state < 3 then if self.timer > math.random(1,20) then self.state = math.random(1,2) self.timer = 0 end end --STANDING if self.state == 1 then self.yawwer = true for _,object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 3)) do if object:is_player() then self.yawwer = false NPC = self.object:getpos() PLAYER = object:getpos() self.vec = {x=PLAYER.x-NPC.x, y=PLAYER.y-NPC.y, z=PLAYER.z-NPC.z} self.yaw = math.atan(self.vec.z/self.vec.x)+math.pi^2 if PLAYER.x > NPC.x then self.yaw = self.yaw + math.pi end self.yaw = self.yaw - 2 self.object:setyaw(self.yaw) end end if self.turn_timer > math.random(1,4) and yawwer == true then self.yaw = 360 * math.random() self.object:setyaw(self.yaw) self.turn_timer = 0 end self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=self.object:getvelocity().y,z=0}) if self.player_anim ~= ANIM_STAND then self.anim = player_get_animations(visual) self.object:set_animation({x=self.anim.stand_START,y=self.anim.stand_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) self.player_anim = ANIM_STAND end end --WALKING if self.state == 2 then if self.present_timer == 1 then minetest.env:add_item(self.object:getpos(),"default:coal_lump") self.present_timer = 0 end if self.direction ~= nil then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.direction.x*chillaxin_speed,y=self.object:getvelocity().y,z=self.direction.z*chillaxin_speed}) end if self.turn_timer > math.random(1,4) then self.yaw = 360 * math.random() self.object:setyaw(self.yaw) self.turn_timer = 0 self.direction = {x = math.sin(self.yaw)*-1, y = -10, z = math.cos(self.yaw)} --self.object:setvelocity({x=self.direction.x,y=self.object:getvelocity().y,z=direction.z}) --self.object:setacceleration(self.direction) end if self.player_anim ~= ANIM_WALK then self.anim = player_get_animations(visual) self.object:set_animation({x=self.anim.walk_START,y=self.anim.walk_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) self.player_anim = ANIM_WALK end --open a door [alpha] if self.direction ~= nil then if self.door_timer > 2 then local is_a_door = minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name if is_a_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then minetest.env:punch_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}) self.door_timer = 0 end local is_in_door = minetest.env:get_node(self.object:getpos()).name if is_in_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then minetest.env:punch_node(self.object:getpos()) end end end --jump if self.direction ~= nil then if self.jump_timer > 0.3 then if minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name ~= "air" then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.object:getvelocity().x,y=5,z=self.object:getvelocity().z}) self.jump_timer = 0 end end end end --WANDERING CONSTANTLY AT NIGHT if self.state == 4 then if self.player_anim ~= ANIM_WALK then self.anim = player_get_animations(visual) self.object:set_animation({x=self.anim.walk_START,y=self.anim.walk_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) self.player_anim = ANIM_WALK end for _,object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 12)) do if object:is_player() then if object:get_hp() > 0 then NPC = self.object:getpos() PLAYER = object:getpos() self.vec = {x=PLAYER.x-NPC.x, y=PLAYER.y-NPC.y, z=PLAYER.z-NPC.z} self.yaw = math.atan(self.vec.z/self.vec.x)+math.pi^2 if PLAYER.x > NPC.x then self.yaw = self.yaw + math.pi end self.yaw = self.yaw - 2 self.object:setyaw(self.yaw) self.direction = {x = math.sin(self.yaw)*-1, y = 0, z = math.cos(self.yaw)} if self.direction ~= nil then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.direction.x*2.5,y=self.object:getvelocity().y,z=self.direction.z*2.5}) end --jump over obstacles if self.jump_timer > 0.3 then if minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name ~= "air" then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.object:getvelocity().x,y=5,z=self.object:getvelocity().z}) self.jump_timer = 0 end end if self.direction ~= nil then if self.door_timer > 2 then local is_a_door = minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name if is_a_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then minetest.env:punch_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}) self.door_timer = 0 end local is_in_door = minetest.env:get_node(self.object:getpos()).name if is_in_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then minetest.env:punch_node(self.object:getpos()) end end end --return end elseif not object:is_player() then self.state = 1 self.attacker = "" end end if self.direction ~= nil then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.direction.x,y=self.object:getvelocity().y,z=self.direction.z}) end if self.turn_timer > math.random(1,4) then self.yaw = 360 * math.random() self.object:setyaw(self.yaw) self.turn_timer = 0 self.direction = {x = math.sin(self.yaw)*-1, y = -10, z = math.cos(self.yaw)} end if self.player_anim ~= ANIM_WALK then self.anim = player_get_animations(visual) self.object:set_animation({x=self.anim.walk_START,y=self.anim.walk_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) self.player_anim = ANIM_WALK end --open a door [alpha] if self.direction ~= nil then if self.door_timer > 2 then local is_a_door = minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name if is_a_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then --print("door") minetest.env:punch_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}) self.door_timer = 0 end local is_in_door = minetest.env:get_node(self.object:getpos()).name --print(dump(is_in_door)) if is_in_door == "doors:door_wood_t_1" then minetest.env:punch_node(self.object:getpos()) end end end --jump if self.direction ~= nil then if self.jump_timer > 0.3 then --print(dump(minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}))) if minetest.env:get_node({x=self.object:getpos().x + self.direction.x,y=self.object:getpos().y-1,z=self.object:getpos().z + self.direction.z}).name ~= "air" then self.object:setvelocity({x=self.object:getvelocity().x,y=5,z=self.object:getvelocity().z}) self.jump_timer = 0 end end end end end minetest.register_entity("peaceful_npc:npc", NPC_ENTITY) minetest.register_node("peaceful_npc:spawnegg", { description = "spawnegg", image = "mobspawnegg.png", inventory_image = "mobspawnegg.png", wield_image = "mobspawnegg.png", paramtype = "light", tiles = {"spawnegg.png"}, is_ground_content = true, drawtype = "glasslike", groups = {crumbly=3}, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {0,0,0,0,0,0} }, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(), on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed) pos = pointed.above pos.y = pos.y + 1 minetest.env:add_entity(pointed.above,"peaceful_npc:npc") end }) use_mesecons = false function npc_spawner(pos) minetest.env:add_entity({x=pos.x+math.random(-1,1),y=pos.y+math.random(2,3),z=pos.z+math.random(-1,1)}, "peaceful_npc:npc") end if use_mesecons == true then minetest.register_node("peaceful_npc:npc_spawner", { description = "NPC Portal", drawtype = "glasslike", groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3,wood=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), tiles = {"peaceful_npc_spawner.png"}, sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype = "light", mesecons = {effector = { action_on = npc_spawner }} }) end if use_mesecons == false then minetest.register_node("peaceful_npc:npc_spawner", { description = "NPC Portal", drawtype = "glasslike", groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3,wood=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), tiles = {"peaceful_npc_spawner.png"}, sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype = "light", }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"peaceful_npc:npc_spawner"}, interval = 600.0, chance = 1, action = function(pos) npc_spawner(pos) end, }) end -- get all objects in radius local list = minetest.env:get_objects_in_radius(pos, 20); local npclist = {} local MAX_ENTS = 15; -- add to npclist all objects that are "peaceful_npc:npc" for i = 1, count do if list[i]:get_name() == "peaceful_npc:npc" then npclist[#npclist + 1] = list[i] end end -- the the ammount of "peaceful_npc:npc" local npccount = #npclist -- curb the list if above MAX_ENTS if npccount > MAX_ENTS then for i = MAX_ENTS, npccount do npclist[i]:remove() end end --Makes Npc drop something asm.dropitem = function(pos, item) -- Take item in any format local stack = ItemStack(item) local obj = minetest.env:add_entity(pos, "__builtin:item") obj:get_luaentity():set_item(stack:to_string()) return obj end --[[ This causes mobs to cluster together DONTA JLAFGJKAS USE IRT --use pilzadam's spawning algo npcs = {} npcs.spawning_mobs = {} function npcs:register_spawn(name, nodes, max_light, min_light, chance, mobs_per_30_block_radius, max_height) npcs.spawning_mobs[name] = true minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = nodes, neighbors = nodes, interval = 30, chance = chance, action = function(pos, node) if not npcs.spawning_mobs[name] then return end pos.y = pos.y+1 if not minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) then return end if minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) > max_light then return end if minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) < min_light then return end if pos.y > max_height then return end if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name ~= "air" then return end pos.y = pos.y+1 if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name ~= "air" then return end local count = 0 for _,obj in pairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 30)) do if obj:is_player() then return elseif obj:get_luaentity() and obj:get_luaentity().name == name then count = count+1 end end if count > mobs_per_30_block_radius then return end if minetest.setting_getbool("display_mob_spawn") then minetest.chat_send_all("[NPCs] Add "..name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end minetest.env:add_entity(pos, name) end }) end npcs:register_spawn("peaceful_npc:npc", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 16, -1, 500, 10, 31000) ]]-- minetest.register_craft({ output = 'peaceful_npc:npc_spawner', recipe = { {'default:mese_block', 'default:glass', 'default:mese_block'}, {'default:glass', 'default:mese_crystal', 'default:glass'}, {'default:mese_block', 'default:glass', 'default:mese_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'peaceful_npc:spawnegg', recipe = { {'default:mese_crystal', 'default:glass', 'default:mese_crystal'}, {'default:glass', 'default:coal_lump', 'default:glass'}, {'default:mese_crystal', 'default:glass', 'default:mese_crystal'}, } })