Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x08423dd0 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setActiveTexture (this=0xa4ad718, stage=0, texture=0xa992570) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2170 2170 if (texture->getDriverType() != EDT_OPENGL) (gdb) bt full #0 0x08423dd0 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setActiveTexture (this=0xa4ad718, stage=0, texture=0xa992570) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2170 No locals. #1 0x08423f53 in irr::video::COpenGLDriver::setMaterial (this=0xa4ad718, material=...) at COpenGLDriver.cpp:2243 i = 0 #2 0x0854e12a in irr::scene::CMeshSceneNode::render (this=0xa9d3920) at CMeshSceneNode.cpp:167 material = @0xa9d37cc: {TextureLayer = {{Texture = 0xa992570, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = false, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}}, MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF, AmbientColor = {color = 4294967295}, DiffuseColor = {color = 4294967295}, EmissiveColor = {color = 0}, SpecularColor = { color = 4294967295}, Shininess = 0, MaterialTypeParam = 0, MaterialTypeParam2 = 0, Thickness = 1, ZBuffer = 1 '\001', AntiAliasing = 1 '\001', ColorMask = 15 '\017', ColorMaterial = 1 '\001', Wireframe = false, PointCloud = false, GouraudShading = true, Lighting = false, ZWriteEnable = true, BackfaceCulling = true, FrontfaceCulling = false, FogEnable = true, NormalizeNormals = false} rnd = 0xa320968 transparent = false mb = 0xa9d37b8 i = 1 driver = 0xa4ad718 isTransparentPass = false renderMeshes = true mat = {TextureLayer = {{Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = {_vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}, {Texture = 0x0, TextureWrapU = 0 '\000', TextureWrapV = 0 '\000', BilinearFilter = true, TrilinearFilter = false, AnisotropicFilter = 0 '\000', LODBias = 0 '\000', MatrixAllocator = { _vptr.irrAllocator = 0x860b358 >+8>}, TextureMatrix = 0x0}}, MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_SOLID, AmbientColor = { color = 4294967295}, DiffuseColor = {color = 4294967295}, EmissiveColor = {color = 0}, SpecularColor = {color = 4294967295}, Shininess = 0, MaterialTypeParam = 0, MaterialTypeParam2 = 0, Thickness = 1, ZBuffer = 1 '\001', AntiAliasing = 1 '\001', ColorMask = 15 '\017', ColorMaterial = 1 '\001', Wireframe = false, PointCloud = false, GouraudShading = true, Lighting = true, ZWriteEnable = true, BackfaceCulling = true, FrontfaceCulling = false, FogEnable = false, NormalizeNormals = false} #3 0x083df206 in irr::scene::CSceneManager::drawAll (this=0xa58d5e0) at CSceneManager.cpp:1469 i = 3 driver = 0xa4ad718 #4 0x08378fb5 in the_game (kill=@0x87a3f20: false, random_input=false, input=0xa58e2c8, device=0xa2b6c88, font=0xa58e678, map_dir="/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../worlds/mt52", playername= "nakki2", password="", address="localhost", port=30000, error_message=L"", configpath="/home/celeron55/softat/minetest/bin/../minetest.conf", chat_backend=..., gamespec=..., simple_singleplayer_mode=false) at /home/celeron55/softat/minetest/src/game.cpp:2752 timer = {m_name = 0x860cd63 "smgr", m_time1 = 936312618, m_running = true, m_result = 0x0} busytime_u32 = displaycenter = {X = 512, Y = 384} hilightboxes = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{MinEdge = {X = 454.98999, Y = 44.9900017, Z = 884.98999}, MaxEdge = {X = 465.01001, Y = 55.0099983, Z = 895.01001}}} print_to_log = tool_reload_ratio = camera_position = {X = 0.082351692, Y = 765, Z = -1.86170189e+38} sunlight_seen = maxsm = 0.0500000007 lastFPS = 11 time = 13114 busytime_jitter1_max_sample = 0 player = daynight_ratio = brightness = -1.86170189e+38 bgcolor = busytime = 765 busytime_jitter1 = busytime_jitter1_min_sample = -0.0402779952 new_playeritem = 0 player_position = {X = 474.350006, Y = 35, Z = 895.950012} d = 4 dtime = 0.0260000005 dtime_avg1 = 0.0813323557 busytime_avg1 = 0.0663359836 playeritem_toolcap = {full_punch_interval = 1.39900005, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = std::map with 1 elements = {["cracky"] = {times = std::map with 3 elements = {[1] = 3, [2] = 1.20000005, [3] = 0.800000012}, maxlevel = 1, uses = 20}}} time_brightness = 0.082351692 skycolor = {color = 4278980371} ---Type to continue, or q to quit---