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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | hello cleleron i been having major problems with segfault22 on the forums he stalks all my post banns me everyday i dont understand frm he first time i posted it h was complaning that there were no imqges then i asked him to help then he strts saying theres a viirus in the software for no reason. also my pc ha to be put in shop and the caps btton was in cap mode for the rest of the day and i got banned that wasnt in the rules. i LOVE the game but the only person bthering anyone including others in segfult i trry to be nice i talked to vanessa e and she told me to stop double posting and ii did but you see my pc is kinda slow and sometimes i double cick because its not loaing and it post twicee im not MODERATOR so i cant delete them well heres my quesions and the post. the Editionx version runs with no lag. i edited the players texture and added cartoonish and realistic textures. i dont know how to post images. i will post the game in about 30 minites stay tuned. Minetest Mallot1 edition 0.0.1 : Minetest Mallot1 Edition*x*0.0.2 (includes no lag): 0.0.3: Gamespeeder: Screenshots: log: 0.0.1 first release aug,8 0.0.2 added no lag:aug,8 0.0.3 changed wood and gravel textures aug,8 from mallot1 how do you make servers with windowsxp and minetest 0.3.1? i been asking for 3 months and i decides to come to the best guy for the job you. i also want to join your developer team i am good with textures examples are in my version 0.0.3 above i dont know what to do im being harassed and im sickof it i reported him but nobody did anyrthing PLZ HELP! Minetest rocks!!!! also i have great ideas and plans for the games future and developement in dedicated so sign me up.! breif sypnopsis help me with harassmesnt by segfault22 how do you become a monderator? how do you make a server? what wroong with my post? how do you get images to work? am i banned FOREVER?? can i join the develope team? can i be a monderator? can i be unbanned? do you anwser emails? do you anwser reports on monderators? can you make more inforative minetest videos? thats it. |